My MIL is retired and often visits on weekends. I asked her to help by cooking for the kids while my husband and I work, but she refused, saying, “I’m a guest here!” Frustrated, I told her she was no longer welcome in our home.
Days later, my 10-year-old called me in tears. I rushed home to find the kids eating snacks and junk food, the fridge and pantry ransacked, and the kitchen in chaos. My son said Grandma had come by, told them she was still their grandmother, and took all the groceries to “teach me a lesson.”
I’m torn between anger and guilt. Was I wrong to ban her? My husband insists she didn’t mean harm, but I feel she crossed a huge boundary by involving the kids.
I don’t want to cut her out entirely, but I’m worried about the damage done. How can I protect my kids while trying to rebuild trust in the family?
Is it possible to move forward, or has too much been broken?