100+ Year-Old Couple Finds Love And Marriage In A Nursing Home

Falling in love is a very special time in life and it is something that we often look back on with a smile on our face. They sometimes say that love is a game for the young, however, but we have proof that is absolutely not true.

I’d like to introduce you to a couple that lives in a senior living community in Ohio. John and Phyllis Cook both reside at the facility, but they weren’t married when they first arrived.

They lived in an apartment at the assisted living community and they had an apartment on the same floor. It wasn’t long before they got to know each other and a relationship was born.

Phyllis, who is turning 103 said: “To tell you the truth, we fell in love with each other. I know you think that may be a little bit far-fetched for somebody our age, but we fell in love with each other.”

Her husband, 100-year-old John who is also a World War II veteran said: “Well, we were just compatible in a whole lot of ways, found ourselves enjoying each other’s company.”

Both of them were married at one time in the past but they were then widowed. They decided to tie the knot, so while they were living at the assisted living facility, they stood up and said “I do.”

Some people may wonder what they have to do all day long. After all, a senior living facility isn’t exactly a hub of activity so when they asked John what he enjoy doing the most, he just said that he probably shouldn’t talk about it.

Phyllis, however, had more to say on the subject: “He’s not completely dead sexually and neither am I! I just don’t believe in hopping in bed as a Christian unless you’re married.”

They were both excited about starting a new life together. They also hope that they have many more years together. It’s possible because Phyllis has longevity in her family and her mother was 106 years old.

Even though they are married, they are still living in their own apartments because they recognize that it is important to have a private space.

We wish them all the best in their happy marriage.

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